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Akroum (172 km from Beirut)
The JabalAkroum area (made up of7 villages) isinhabited by 20,000 people. These villages have no municipal authority, although a request for one has been filed at the Ministry of Interior by a group of locals. Moreover, it is interesting to note that Akkaris made up of around 360 villages, which are locally governed by less than 70 municipalities.
•The youth in general, and those living in marginalized communities in particular, feel they can have no impact on political life, and therefore remain largely uninterested & uninvolved both on the local and national levels.
•Akkarin general, and Jabal Akroum in particular suffer, similarly to other remote areas in Lebanon, from considerable marginalization. It is the feeling of locals that Akkaris not really part of Lebanon in the eyes of the government and of other Lebanese citizens.
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Akroum has two interesting parallel structures can be seen at a place called Jabal al-Hussein. The best preserved is a temple on the north of the site whose cellar is divided by a large arch. During the Byzantine era this west-facing monument was transformed into a church. Nearby are the ruins of another temple, larger in size, but with only enough elements remaining to identify its basic plan. Fragments of cornices, Corinthian capitals and huge millstones are scattered in and around the structure.